Veterans Questions & Answers

Can I apply for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits for mesothelioma?
Yes, if you are not old enough to be collecting Social Security retirement benefits, you can apply for SSD benefits for mesothelioma. Both pleural mesothelioma and peritoneal mesothelioma are considered Compassionate Allowances (CAL) conditions, which means SSD claims can be resolved in a matter of weeks.
It is also important to note that veterans with mesothelioma can apply for both Social Security Disability benefits and VA benefits at the same time.
Could a family member have been exposed to asbestos as well?
Family members of veterans who worked around asbestos may have come into contact with microscopic fibers brought home on uniforms. Although the greater the exposure, the greater the risk for developing mesothelioma, family members who faced little exposure are still at risk. There is no safe level of asbestos exposure.
How Much Compensation Does A Veteran Get If Diagnosed With Mesothelioma?
Without knowing the facts of your particular case, it is difficult to estimate how much compensation you will receive in a mesothelioma case. Many factors must be considered, such as:
- Your age
- What jurisdiction the case will be filed in
- Medical expenses
- Lost wages
- Your pain and suffering
- Whether there are asbestos trust funds that may be responsible for compensating you
Settlements for Cases of Mesothelioma for Navy Personnel
At Belluck & Fox, we have helped our clients recover millions of dollars for cases involving mesothelioma. If you are suffering from mesothelioma, please contact our firm today for a free evaluation of your case or you can also visit our FAQ page now. We can help you and your family pursue the maximum level of financial compensation you deserve. With the high cost of medical treatment and lost wages, along with the mental anguish of mesothelioma, you need to be represented by an experienced legal team to assist you. Contact us today for more information. We will arrange an immediate appointment and personally discuss your case in detail.
Can I Apply for Veteran’s Benefits in Addition to Filing a Legal Claim?
Yes, veterans can file a claim for VA benefits and pursue compensation from manufacturers and suppliers who sold asbestos to the Navy. Veterans’ benefits are determined by a rate table depending upon the severity of the disability, and whether or not you have dependent children, parents, or a spouse. Benefits include access to free VA medical care for your condition. For more information and a detailed explanation of the rates, visit the VA’s webpage on benefits.
In order to qualify for these benefits, you do have to prove that your condition is related to your exposure to asbestos while in the service. However, Belluck & Fox, LLP has a lawyer on staff who is certified by the VA to file disability claims. We provide this service free of charge to our mesothelioma clients.
If you or a loved one served in the Navy and has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, please contact us today for a free consultation to learn about all your options.