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Emotional Coaching Before Mesothelioma Surgery Can Improve Experience

I recently took care of a woman who had her left lung removed for her mesothelioma  treatment. I don’t think I will forget her. She was doing very well with the post-op experience. She and her husband were a lovely couple who really enjoyed life and their time together and with their friends and family. They caught my attention because they had a certain peace about them.

I just had a feeling they shared something special – an inside secret. As our day progressed and the conversation became more about the patient and her journey I realized she had done something that I had not seen other patients do. Prior to her mesothelioma surgery she sought a professional life coach who gave her tips on how to psychologically prepare for her surgery.

She received a personal phone call from the coach who spent an hour on the phone coaching her on how she would get through this operation physically and mentally. I was both blown away and fascinated by this process. The phone call was free and it helped reduce her anxiety and alleviate her fears. It was a bit magical.

According to one coaching company, studies have shown that emotional, psychological, and spiritual preparation for patients prior to surgery can improve their recovery experience, reduce stress, reduce post-operative pain and reduce recovery time.

Of course, I believe you have to be open to this idea about letting people help you and to holistic health care. I think it is about the art of positive thinking. There are many people who can help patients who are having upcoming treatments. For example, the coach this patient used offers workshops which can help you deal with chemotherapy and other treatment options.

The coach says pain medicine is cut in half and patients can also reduce their hospital stay after taking her workshop. I would definitely do this myself, and I would strongly recommend it to my loved ones. I see patients pre-operatively who struggle with anxiety and nervousness, and I think this can be a very valuable tool.

If you have questions about surgical coaching, or any aspect of your mesothelioma care, please contact us.

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Free Mesothelioma Patient & Treatment Guide

We’d like to offer you our in-depth guide, “A Patient’s Guide to Mesothelioma,” absolutely free of charge.

It contains a wealth of information and resources to help you better understand the condition, choose (and afford) appropriate treatment, and exercise your legal right to compensation.

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