2016 Reflections: What If There Was No Mesothelioma?

As the year draws to a close, it is a great time to reflect. It is a time to look forward with renewed hope for the coming year, but also to remember those who have been introduced to the mesothelioma community and the ones who have lost their fight.
Looking back on another full year without my Dad, I can’t help but wonder what my experiences over these last 365 days would have been like if he had been here. Birthday parties, holidays, and all of my memories with my now two year old daughter, would have been much sweeter with his smile present. Even my hardest times this year would have seemed more manageable with his calming demeanor and always perfect advice.
I know that I’m not the only person who feels this way. Countless others are asking themselves the “what-if” question that I grapple with every day. “What-if” Dad had been here for my little one’s first time at her music class? “What-if” Dad had been here for our fundraising events? “What-if” Dad had never been diagnosed with mesothelioma in the first place? These are hard questions to ponder; they have no tangible answer right now.
As I look forward, I know that I will always struggle with the loss of my father. Even so, I have to keep the faith that a cure for this cancer is right around the corner. With faith in God and the help of doctors, researchers, and regular supporters like myself, we can conquer this disease. Let’s work together to make 2017 the year where mesothelioma comes to an end. God bless you and have a peaceful, happy New Year!
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It contains a wealth of information and resources to help you better understand the condition, choose (and afford) appropriate treatment, and exercise your legal right to compensation.
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