Asbestos Exposure on Minesweepers

Detection and removal of naval mines is a necessary task for the U.S. Navy, to avoid damage to their fleet and keep their America’s sea trade operational during wartime. Specialized ships known as Minesweepers were built with equipment to safely neutralize and remove mines from supply lanes and open water, allowing vessels to transport, trade, and conduct operations freely.
Ships such as minesweepers, ammunition ships, battle cruisers, amphibious warships, battleships, destroyer escorts, destroyers, escort carriers, tugboats, floating dry docks and frigates are built prior to the 1970s used asbestos in a great deal of equipment on board. Boilers, turbines, pumps, and valves were all made from or covered with asbestos, exposing many of those who served on Minesweepers to the carcinogen. Veterans who have come into contact with asbestos in the line of duty are at a greatly increased risk of developing the otherwise rare disease mesothelioma.
Belluck & Fox LLP is a nationally recognized law firm based in New York that represents veterans and merchant mariners with asbestos and mesothelioma claims. Belluck & Fox, LLP has won more than $500 million in compensation for its clients and their families. We can help you.
For a free case evaluation, contact the firm at 877-637-6843 or through the online contact form.
- USS Ability
- USS Acme
- USS Admirable
- USS Adopt
- USS Adroit
- USS Advance
- USS Advent
- USS Advocate
- USS Affray
- USS Aggressive
- USS Agile
- USS Alacrity
- USS Albatross
- USS Annoy
- USS Ardent
- USS Assurance
- USS Astute
- USS Augury
- USS Auk
- USS Avenge
- USS Avocet
- USS Barrier
- USS Bittern
- USS Bluebird
- USS Bobolink
- USS Bold
- USS Bombard
- USS Bond
- USS Brant
- USS Broadbill
- USS Bullfinch
- USS Bulwark
- USS Buoyant
- USS Candid
- USS Capable
- USS Captivate
- USS Caravan
- USS Cardinal
- USS Catbird
- USS Caution
- USS Chaffinch
- USS Champion
- USS Change
- USS Chewink
- USS Chickadee
- USS Chief
- USS Clamour
- USS Climax
- USS Compel
- USS Competent
- USS Concise
- USS Conflict
- USS Conquest
- USS Constant
- USS Control
- USS Cormorant
- USS Counsel
- USS Crag
- USS Creddock
- USS Cruise
- USS Curlew
- USS Daring
- USS Dash
- USS Defense
- USS Deft
- USS Delegate
- USS Density
- USS Design
- USS Despite
- USS Detector
- USS Devasator
- USS Device
- USS Dextrous
- USS Diploma
- USS Dipper
- USS Direct
- USS Disdain
- USS Dominant
- USS Dour
- USS Drake
- USS Dunlin
- USS Dynamic
- USS Eager
- USS Eider
- USS Elusive
- USS Embattle
- USS Endurance
- USS Energy
- USS Engage
- USS Enhance
- USS Esteem
- USS Excel
- USS Execute
- USS Exploit
- USS Exultant
- USS Facility
- USS Falcon
- USS Fancy
- USS Fearless
- USS Fidelity
- USS Fierce
- USS Finch
- USS Firm
- USS Fixity
- USS Flicker
- USS Force
- USS Fortify
- USS Gadwall
- USS Gallant
- USS Gannet
- USS Garland
- USS Gavia
- USS Gayety
- USS Gladiator
- USS Goldcrest
- USS Goldfinch
- USS Goshawk
- USS Grackle
- USS Graylag
- USS Grebe
- USS Guide
- USS Gull
- USS Harlequin
- USS Harrier
- USS Hazard
- USS Heed
- USS Herald
- USS Heron
- USS Hilarity
- USS Illusive
- USS Impeccable
- USS Impervious
- USS Implicit
- USS Improve
- USS Inaugural
- USS Incessant
- USS Incredible
- USS Indicative
- USS Inflict
- USS Instill
- USS Intrigue
- USS Invade
- USS Jubilant
- USS Kingfisher
- USS Kite
- USS Knave
- USS Lance
- USS Lapwing
- USS Lark
- USS Leader
- USS Linnet
- USS Logic
- USS Loyalty
- USS Lucid
- USS Magnet
- USS Mainstay
- USS Mallard
- USS Marvel
- USS Measure
- USS Method
- USS Minivet
- USS Mirth
- USS Motive
- USS Murrelet
- USS Nimble
- USS Notable
- USS Nucleus
- USS Nuthatch
- USS Observer
- USS Opponent
- USS Oracle
- USS Oriole
- USS Ortolan
- USS Osprey
- USS Owl
- USS Palisade
- USS Partridge
- USS Peacock
- USS Pelican
- USS Penetrate
- USS Penguin
- USS Peregrine
- USS Peril
- USS Persistent
- USS Phantom
- USS Pheasant
- USS Pigeon
- USS Pilot
- USS Pinnacle
- USS Pioneer
- USS Pirate
- USS Pivot
- USS Pledge
- USS Pluck
- USS Pochard
- USS Portent
- USS Prestige
- USS Prevail
- USS Prime
- USS Project
- USS Prowess
- USS Ptarmigan
- USS Pursuit
- USS Quail
- USS Quest
- USS Rail
- USS Rampart
- USS Ransom
- USS Raven
- USS Reaper
- USS Rebel
- USS Recruit
- USS Redstart
- USS Redwing
- USS Reform
- USS Refresh
- USS Reign
- USS Requisite
- USS Revenge
- USS Rival
- USS Robin
- USS Roselle
- USS Ruddy
- USS Sagacity
- USS Sage
- USS Salute
- USS Sanderling
- USS Sandpiper
- USS Saunter
- USS Scoter
- USS Scout
- USS Scrimmage
- USS Scuffle
- USS Scurry
- USS Seagull
- USS Seer
- USS Sentinel
- USS Sentry
- USS Serene
- USS Sheldrake
- USS Shelter
- USS Shoveler
- USS Signet
- USS Skill
- USS Skirmish
- USS Skylark
- USS Spear
- USS Spectacle
- USS Specter
- USS Speed
- USS Sprig
- USS Staff
- USS Stalwart
- USS Starling
- USS Staunch
- USS Steady
- USS Strategy
- USS Strength
- USS Strive
- USS Sturdy
- USS Success
- USS Superior
- USS Surfbird
- USS Sustain
- USS Swallow
- USS Swan
- USS Sway
- USS Swerve
- USS Swift
- USS Symbol
- USS Tanager
- USS Teal
- USS Tercel
- USS Threat
- USS Thrush
- USS Tide
- USS Token
- USS Toucan
- USS Towhee
- USS Triumph
- USS Tumult
- USS Turkey
- USS Valor
- USS Velocity
- USS Venture
- USS Vigilance
- USS Vigor
- USS Vireo
- USS Vital
- USS Warbler
- USS Waxwing
- USS Wheatear
- USS Whippoorwill
- USS Widgeon
- USS Willet
- USS Woodcock
- USS Zeal
If you have been in another type of Navy ship/vessel such as seaplane tenders, floating dry docks, tugboats, amphibious warships, battleships, cruisers, destroyer escorts, escort carriers, or frigates, it may be possible that you have been exposed to asbestos as well. Consider getting the help of a trusted mesothelioma attorney.