Mesothelioma Nurse Remembers Doug Larkin, Co-Founder of ADAO

There are few people that are passionate leaders for change. These leaders see something that needs to be changed or a situation that needs to be exposed and they take their zeal and passion and make it happen. The mesothelioma community lost one of those leaders this month: Doug Larkin.
In 2004, he and Linda Reinstein co-founded the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization. Based on a personal loss of his father-in-law, he took his grief and turned it into positive advocacy. He hoped to prevent asbestos exposure and to someday eliminate all asbestos-caused diseases. ADAO was personal to Doug.
I had the pleasure of meeting Doug at an ADAO conference a couple of years ago. We were impressed with his passion and his eloquence. He was a force, and I remember being impressed with his dedication to banning asbestos. He has made a difference, and left this world a better place for being in it.
“Unparalleled champion for truth, justice, and an asbestos ban”; “Bold brilliant and courageous” are the words being used to describe Doug on the ADAO web site.
In addition to fighting to ban asbestos so that the dying from asbestos related diseases would stop, Doug had a personal battle with ALS, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Rest in peace, job well done.
Photo Credit: ADAO
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