Mesothelioma Nurse Explains Importance of Taking Prescribed Medications

Mr. W is an intelligent, 62-year-old man who recently had a pleurectomy for treatment of his malignant pleural mesothelioma. His post surgery course was smooth, with no unusual complications. He has a very supportive wife and children. He seemed to understand the importance of following the post-op instructions. He was enthusiastic about walking, understood and complied with his fluid restriction, knew his medications, and pain was not an issue.
His beta blocker, ASA, lasix, and magnesium, had all been reviewed with him, and he had taken some before his surgery and immediately after discharge from his surgery. Knowing all that, and the support he had from both his family, and his home primary care physician who had referred him to the mesothelioma center, why then, when he got home, did he stop taking all his medications?
Adherence refers to how consistently a patient takes his medication exactly as prescribed. The reasons people don’t take their medicine as prescribed are varied: the patients do not want to deal with the side effects; patients don’t feel well enough to take them; they can’t see the benefits of the medication; or the cost of medications is an issue.
Another reason may be that the patient simply forgets to take meds as prescribed. Still other patients are actually in denial believing if they take the medicines then there really is something wrong with them. Yes, your cancer is real. But taking your medicines can help you fight it.
Studies have shown that for patients with chronic conditions like high blood pressure and diabetes the non-adherence rate can be as high as 50%. Cancer has now progressed to a chronic disease, and with that distinction comes other issues.
In asking Mr. W why he stopped his meds, he did not really have an explanation. He had not discussed it with either his family or his health care team. Intellectually, he knew the reasons and importance of taking his medications, but he stopped taking them. Upon further discussion with him, though, he revealed his depression with his cancer diagnosis. He agreed to talk to his PCP and get some help.
Adherence to the treatment plan is important in the care of all patients, especially mesothelioma patients. Nurses realize that every patient is different and every circumstance might not be what it appears. Being open and honest with your health care team is vital to ensure that your mesothelioma is being treated according to your needs.
If you have questions about your mesothelioma treatment or any aspect of your mesothelioma care, feel free to contact us.
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