Meet Miss March (and May) of the Mesothelioma Warriors Calendar

In December, we brought you information about the group of UK women who created the Mesowarriors calendar to raise money for the June Hancock Mesothelioma Research Fund. This month we highlight the March mesothelioma advocate: Angela Caulfield of Cumbria, England.
Why did you do this calendar?
My wonderful, beautiful daddy fell asleep in 9th May 2011, 4 1/2 years after diagnosis of mesothelioma. My dad was a true family gentlemen, he worked hard all his life to give my mum and my siblings the best upbringing any child could ever want. My dad has always been my rock, no matter how, he was always there, he loved all his grandchildren and mesothelioma stole the earth’s most genuine, most funny, most caring and most loving dad any child could ever be blessed to have. My dad never smoked, he wasn’t a big drinker, he went to the gym, he always ate healthy, well unless he got caught – lol. The rollercoaster of emotions everyone goes through is horrible.
Was there a point where you wanted to back out from doing the calendar for fear or nervousness?
Ha! No, I didn’t want to back out for one minute! I enjoyed every single second of sharing and doing this, with some meso warriors I haven’t even met. It was quite stressful at one point, but the laughs we had and the wait of people uploading their photos was so funny. I loved every minute of it!
What does the June Hancock Mesothelioma Research Fund mean to you?
I had heard of the June Hancock charity, but have not used their services. But I believe it has helped so many meso sufferers. There has to be more successful research to find a cure for mesothelioma, more awareness to stop people contracting mesothelioma and also removal of all asbestos from schools/buildings etc should be made compulsory.
What message would you give to patients and families who are battling mesothelioma?
Reach out. If it wasn’t for the impact of the mesothelioma warriors, many of us have walked alongside each other for years, through good and bad, without this bond, without each other, I don’t personally think anyone who is associated with warriors would have gotten, or could still get through the journey with mesothelioma, as we have. We lean on each other for support, we have each other for laughs, this group can never be replaced, never be bought and can’t just be joined, it’s a group of unity and thank God we have all got each other.
About The June Hancock Mesothelioma Research Fund
The June Hancock Mesothelioma Research Fund of Sheffield, England, was established in 1997 for June Hancock and her mother who lost their lives to mesothelioma. The funds raised by the June Hancock Mesothelioma Research Fund go toward sponsoring vital epidemiological research into the causes of mesothelioma, raising awareness of the disease amongst healthcare professionals and the public at large, and to provide good quality up to date information and advice for mesothelioma sufferers and their carers, according to the organization’s website.
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