It’s the Little Things That Make the Holiday Special for Mesothelioma Patients

This weekend, people around the world will be celebrating the holidays with family and friends. Mesothelioma patients and their families are more than likely taking a little extra time to appreciate the little things that make their time together special. Whether it is enjoying the lights of the season, a light snow falling, a football game on TV, a fire in the fireplace or the bite of a delicious cookie, taking the time to sit back and enjoy the simple pleasures of life can ease some of the stress of the season.
Unfortunately, treatments, doctors’ appointments, and the pain of the disease don’t stop during the holiday season. But patients who take the time to forget about their disease, if for just one day, will feel a little more relaxed when they return for their next appointment.
If you have a friend or a loved one suffering from a serious illness, consider taking the time to send a hand-written card, deliver a homemade treat or simply stop by for a short visit to let them know you are thinking of them.
While many factors determine survival for a mesothelioma patient, such as treatment plan and overall health and fitness of the patient, physicians also believe that a positive outlook and affirming thoughts can result in the improvement in a patient’s health. Mesothelioma patients should try to use the holiday cheer to help raise their mood and lower their anxiety level to help them feel better. Maybe those feelings will carry into the next day, week and month.
Warm wishes from all of us at MesotheliomaHelp.
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