How Mesothelioma Patients Can Take Care of Themselves During Coronavirus

As we continue social distancing, washing our hands, and staying in our homes, a new normal is settling in. For people that are dealing with malignant mesothelioma as well as the COVID- 19 virus, day to day living can be extremely stressful during these uncharted times. What can people who have malignant mesothelioma do day to day?
- Back to basics like eating right, high protein diet.
- Walking daily outside if able.
- Limiting your alcohol intake.
- Taking your medications as prescribed.
- Keeping your spirits up.
- Having a routine that includes adequate sleep.
- Limit your time watching the news and social media.
At times, fear creeps in for all of us. We fear what is going on around us, what is coming, when it will all end and when our “normal” lives come back. For those dealing with malignant mesothelioma either as a new diagnosis or have been living with the diagnosis, this is a particularly challenging time. An article in Psychology Today by Laura Markham PHD, “Coping with Fear in the Face of a Pandemic,” has suggestions for when worry and fear take hold of us.
- Use your pause button – stop and take several deep breaths to calm your body down.
- Notice what you are worried about – if it is something in the future, it might not happen and you cannot control it anyway.
- Calm your mind by taking charge of your thoughts – you can handle it.
- Empower yourself and your family – cultivate positivity.
- Consciously choose love instead of fear.
If you are under treatment for malignant mesothelioma there could be some specific questions requiring answers. Although the focus is on taking care of coronavirus patients in most hospitals and Centers of Excellence, the mesothelioma team is still available.
Call your team. If you don’t have a dedicated mesothelioma team, reach out – the experts are available. Remember you are not alone even when it feels that way.
Free Mesothelioma Patient & Treatment Guide
We’d like to offer you our in-depth guide, “A Patient’s Guide to Mesothelioma,” absolutely free of charge.
It contains a wealth of information and resources to help you better understand the condition, choose (and afford) appropriate treatment, and exercise your legal right to compensation.
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