Don’t Forget the Spirit of Christmas and the Hope It Brings

It’s hard to believe that 2014 is already coming to a close. This year saw my first full year without my Dad. As we come to the Christmas season, it is, once again, a time to reflect on the memories and love that he left behind.
Last year, the pain of losing my father was excruciatingly fresh. I was still in shock and unsure about how I would carry on without having him here with me. Now, the pain still remains and I often question how it is possible to live a “normal” life after losing Dad, but this year I realize that I have had some time to reflect on the entire journey that he had with mesothelioma.
Dad’s mesothelioma story is one of sadness, followed by a miracle and joy. It is a tale riddled with highs and lows, but always full of love and hope. This love and hope is what Christmas is all about. As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, it is important to also hold our loved ones close and remember all of the good that is in this world. It is easy to get caught up in the commercial side of the season, but remember the true reason.
Dad was so much more than this terrible disease. He embodied the Christmas spirit every day of his life. Spreading happiness, being generous, and loving with his whole heart, my father lived this message. Enjoy this beautiful time of year and remember that Jesus is the reason for the season. Merry Christmas!
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