Category: Family
Do-It-Yourself Home Renovators Urged to be Cautious Around Mesothelioma-Causing Asbestos
The National Safety Council has designated June National Home Safety Month. The organization offers the safety month as a time “to educate and influence behaviors around leading causes of preventable injuries and deaths.” This year’s theme, “Safety Starts with Me,” is especially pertinent for do-it-yourselfers who are at risk for exposure to asbestos. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has said, “Asbestos is a human carcinogen with no safe level of exposure.”
Asbestos is known to cause mesothelioma, lung cancer, asbestosis and other respiratory diseases. Mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases are entirely preventable by eliminating unsafe asbestos-handling practices. Although most home products today do not contain asbestos, until the 1970s, many types of building products and insulation materials used in home construction contained asbestos. So it’s not uncommon for older houses to have some asbestos.
Common products include steam pipes and furnace ducts insulated with an asbestos blanket or asbestos paper tape, vinyl asbestos floor tiles, soundproofing or decorative material sprayed on walls or ceilings, and asbestos cement roofing shingles.
When asbestos is present in structures it often does not present a hazard unless it is disturbed, causing the fibers to become airborne. When the fibers are breathed into the lungs, they then become lodged in the thin membrane that lines and encases the lungs, leading to respiratory diseases. As a result, it is important for homeowners to be educated about asbestos and to know where to look for information.
The British Lung Foundation (BLF) offers the following questions to ask yourself to avoid exposure to asbestos before beginning any DIY project:
- What is asbestos?
- Where and when was asbestos used?
- What does asbestos look like?
- What if I find asbestos in my home?
- Where can I get all the facts?
Answers to all of these questions can be found on the BLF website.
In 2011, researchers in Australia reported there is an increase in the number of mesothelioma diagnoses and other asbestos-related diseases among do-it-yourself (DIY) home renovators. However, DIYers can take steps to avoid potentially dangerous exposure.
When planning on making renovations or changes to a house that could cause asbestos fibers to be released into the air, it is essential to have a trained professional either encapsulate or remove the asbestos materials first. Asbestos professionals can conduct home inspections, take samples of suspected asbestos material, and design corrective action plans for homeowners.
Close to 3,000 Americans die from the cancer yearly, and just as many are diagnosed with the disease. Although there is no cure for mesothelioma, it can be treated with varying degrees of success through surgery, chemotherapy and radiation.
To find out more about National Home Safety Month visit the National Safety Council’s website.
- National Home Safety Month - (2011, researchers in) Australia
Caregiver of a Mesothelioma Patient Takes “Me Time” to Be at Her Best
When becoming a caregiver in any capacity for a loved one who has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, it’s easy to get caught up in your duties and forget to take some time for yourself. Remember, to be an effective “nurse,” listener, or friend, you have to be rested and centered. It’s important to give yourself some “me time.”
Even though I help Dad with his battle against mesothelioma, I make sure to take some time for myself. I spend a lot of time walking. It clears my head, allows me to relax, and exercise is always a way to make yourself feel good. My husband, Mike, and our dog, Gus, often join me, and Mike and I tend to talk a lot on our walks about anything and everything. It’s a great way to spend time together, laugh and just BE.
Now that the weather is turning warmer, I find myself on our porch swing quite a bit. To me, it’s simply relaxing. Since I was little, I’ve loved to just sit there and let my mind wander. That hasn’t changed.
Getting a massage every now and then is also something that helps me relax. It’s a more literal way of relaxation, getting all the tension out of your muscles. Yoga and Pilates are also some physical ways that help me to relax. Remember the importance of good nutrition as well.
Something else that I really enjoy that helps me on a much deeper level is attending Mass and events at our Church. God has brought us through and it’s important to keep an emphasis on your faith, no matter what. These activities help me to find clarity and peace, even when I’m at my most stressed.
In short, find something that you enjoy and do it. Read a book, go out to dinner, or watch a movie! Your loved one understands that you need some time to do things that you love. Include them if they’d like! Also, remember that there are support groups and counseling if you want to talk with others who are in your same situation. You are never alone.
Taking care of yourself will make being a caregiver easier. Also, make sure that you’re getting enough rest. Your relationship will be better (we all know how sometimes we can lose our temper when we’re tired or overworked) and your time together will be more enjoyable. Life is a gift meant to be lived and shared with others. Enjoy all aspects of it! God bless you all!
Mesothelioma Survivor Weighs in on Being Her Own Advocate
During my long journey of battling mesothelioma I have had to be my own advocate on many occasions. I had to first find a specialist who would help me deal with my war against mesothelioma, and then I had to decide if this was the treatment path to follow.
In an ideal world, it would be wonderful to have a team of specialists behind you, giving you the advice you need to make that informed decision about what to do next. It seems though, that while some doctors want to take full lead on treatment paths, others do not. It also seems apparent that while the older generation believes they should do what the doctor says, the younger generation questions more about what the treatments can offer. In some cases, doctors do step back and allow the patient to take more control over what treatment they wish to take, and they will help them through their journey no matter where it takes them.
Having mesothelioma is not only mentally tiring to the patient but also to their families. I have discovered through friends that are dealing with a mesothelioma diagnosis, if a man is the patient, it is often his wife and daughters who are searching the internet and asking the questions on forums to find out what treatments are available, and where the specialists are. Hence, they sometimes take the role of lead decider or advocate.
When it is the woman fighting, in my opinion, we seem to want to take total control. We also ask the questions that maybe we don’t always want to hear the answers to.
It can be daunting taking control of how you will fight a cancer that you know will ultimately win, but seeking as much information as you can about all treatments should always be the first step. Take time to consider the options given.
Taking control of your destiny in illness is extremely hard. Many times I have gone back over things and wondered what if I had done this first or tried that. Whatever we have done or tried, we can’t turn the clock back and we have to face our decisions full on. I have found I still question some of the options I have taken, and all I can do is hope they were the right ones for me.
There are no easy answers in how to deal with treatment or how we control our own destiny when fighting the mesothelioma war, all we can do is hope the choices we make or the direction given by our specialist is right for us.
Mesothelioma Patients Face Risk of Bankruptcy
Early last month we reported that doctors across the country have joined forces in calling for pharmaceutical companies to lower the cost of some cancer drugs. Also cited in that article were statistics from a study that found 30% of cancer patients reported that their medical expenses were a “significant burden,” and 11% called them a “catastrophic problem.” Mesothelioma and cancer patients are being strapped with higher and higher medical expenses, and sadly, they are susceptible to going bankrupt from those costs.
Mesothelioma patients are faced with many challenging issues after they are diagnosed with the incurable, asbestos-related cancer. Determining where to receive their medical care, what treatments to use to fight the disease and how to cope with the symptoms are stressful enough, but many patients quickly realize that the financial aspect of the disease will significantly add to their stress.
In a recent study from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, researchers set out to understand the relationship between receiving a cancer diagnosis and filing for bankruptcy. The impact medical expense-related debt has on cancer patients was revealed:
“The researchers found that cancer patients were 2.65 times more likely to go bankrupt than people without cancer. Bankruptcy rates were two to five times higher among younger cancer patients compared to cancer patients age 65 years or older, which indicates that Medicare and Social Security may mitigate bankruptcy risk for the older group.”
The researchers, led by Scott Ramsey, M.D., Ph.D, analyzed medical, personal, legal, and bankruptcy records covering the Western District of Washington State in U.S. Bankruptcy Court from 1995 to 2009. They concluded that “employers and governments may have a policy role to play in creating programs and incentives that could help people cover expenses in the first year following a cancer diagnosis.”
According to a separate study conducted by researchers at the National Cancer Institute, the cost of cancer care in the United States is expected to rise from an estimated $125 billion in 2010 to $158 billion by the year 2020. Some patients are forced to end treatments early due to their inability to afford further care. Others continue to build debt until they are left wondering how they will cover the bills.
Know more about mesothelioma and how you can deal with it.
Mesothelioma Patients Housing Option During Treatments by Hope Lodge
When it was decided that it was time for Dad to have some further treatment, we put everything in God’s hands. The recommendation was 25 radiation treatments, over a course of 5 weeks, that would take place in New York City with Dr. Kenneth Rosenzweig of Mount Sinai Medical Center. Being away for such a long period of time is quite an undertaking, and we expected the monetary costs to be enormous. That was until we heard about Hope Lodge.
Hope Lodge is an amazing, beautiful facility funded by the American Cancer Society. They are located throughout the country and provide a free place to stay for people undergoing cancer treatment. There are strict criteria that must be met in order to be eligible, but we are blessed that Dad was accepted.
I must admit, my family was initially quite apprehensive about the Hope Lodge. When you hear that there is a free place to stay in NYC, you can’t be sure what to expect. Walking through the doors, we were pleasantly and completely surprised. We were greeted by wonderful volunteers and staff members who gave us a tour of the Lodge.
The sixth floor is the family floor equipped with a full kitchen, fireplace, entertainment center, and plenty of seating to visit with family and friends. There is a room for children, games for everyone’s use, a computer lab, meditation room, and library. It is a wonderful, calming atmosphere. This space is also used for events held by Hope Lodge. In the time my parents have been there, among other things, there has been a 100th birthday party for the American Cancer Society, dinners, games, and music, free to all guests and their families.
On this floor, there is also a balcony with plenty of space to sit outside and eat or relax. Looking to your left you see Madison Square Garden, with the Empire State Building to the right. There is a staff member on the sixth floor 24-hours-a-day to help you with any needs you may have. They are so kind and knowledgeable about the Lodge and area, and they are a great resource and friend to the guests.
We helped my family move into their beautiful, spacious room with a great view! They have their own bathroom and there is laundry and a full kitchen on every floor. These floors are only for the patient and their caregiver, allowing for a quiet, restful environment while you are receiving treatments.
My family has benefitted greatly from the services offered by the Hope Lodge. It is truly a Godsend and has made a tremendous difference in many lives. The Hope Lodge allows patients to receive lifesaving treatment they may not have been able to receive otherwise. God bless all those involved in the Hope Lodge program, and thank you on behalf of all families and patients you’ve encountered!
Free Mesothelioma Patient & Treatment Guide
We’d like to offer you our in-depth guide, “A Patient’s Guide to Mesothelioma,” absolutely free of charge.
It contains a wealth of information and resources to help you better understand the condition, choose (and afford) appropriate treatment, and exercise your legal right to compensation.
Download Now