Category: Family

Mesothelioma Community Recognizes November as National Family Caregivers Month
November is recognized as National Family Caregivers Month. First recognized in November 2013, by President Obama, the purpose of this month is to raise awareness for family caregivers and to improve their overall lives and well being.
Over the course of life, chances are that we all will be caregivers at some point for a parent, sibling, loved one, partner, neighbor, or friend. It is not something that we plan on or prepare for, it usually just happens.
Family caregivers come in all ages, sexes, shapes. They are as varied as all of us. Each one does what works for their particular circumstance. They provide care for loved ones, friends, and partners across the whole spectrum of caregiving. They take physical care, psychological care, and coordinate care for someone else. They do tasks like taking someone to the grocery store, to doctors appointments, or simply spending time with them.
If there is an “average” age of caregivers it is 47-54 – employed women. Providing care to the elderly, the average age of the caregiver is 62. And minority caregivers provide more care than their white counterparts. The length of time in the caregiving role can be less than a year to more than 40 years. Family caregivers are unpaid, and often unrecognized.
This is a very stressful job that can impact the caregivers’ health. Although there are definite positive benefits of caregiving, for the caregiver there also can be negative implications.
Since the pandemic it seems more important than ever that we take care of each other. All of us have seen what isolation can do to our collective mental health. For many family caregivers that is their reality for long stretches of time.
Shining a light on a problem or situation is important. More important is how can we help? Look around, you probably know someone who is providing care for someone else. Help them accept help. A phone call, a visit acknowledging what they are doing, staying with the person while they go for a walk, small things can mean so much.
Caregivers are giving to others, and you can help by giving to them. Accepting help is difficult for some people but it can provide relief for the caregiver who is already giving so much!

Unique Perspective: Mesothelioma Patients Can Set Personal Goals
Being diagnosed with malignant mesothelioma is life changing and patients handle this differently. Every person is unique in their response to this news, but how we respond to a serious life altering diagnosis is our own. There is no right or wrong way, as we must allow ourselves or our family members to feel their fear, or anger, or whatever emotion they may be feeling.
Often we hear people apologizing for their reactions or their families actions. The realization that you or a loved one is facing a life changing diagnosis is different from any other challenge you may have faced over your lifetime. Often we see fear, anger, and denial that are expressed in many different ways. The person that receives the diagnosis and their friends and families can become overwhelmed by waves of different emotions.
Recently when visiting a patient recovering from a pleurectomy, he explained that his goals were to get back to being an active person. He was elderly, had surgery, and was home recovering. He had a smooth course as far as complications go. What was bothering him the most was how long it was taking to recover.
He wanted to get back to his previous level of activity as soon as possible. He was an active hiker, skier, cyclist, and walker. His house was surrounded by woods and he was determined to get back to his trails. He explained that when he was outside with nature it gave him a calm feeling, and that is why he loves nature and wants those feelings to come back.
When reminded that he was only three weeks post operation and he was doing very well, he listened politely. He is determined to get back in the woods and go hiking. He has made that his goal. He knows his health has changed and he has a serious illness but he is coping in his own way. If he can ever get back into the woods remains to be seen.
Change can be hard. Changing our outlook can be overwhelming. What is important in one person’s life may not be important in another’s. The thoughts of hiking in familiar woods after major surgery might not be anyone else’s goal. Respecting every person’s individuality and way they cope is essential to everyone who is involved in the care of or is helping a loved one facing malignant mesothelioma.
If you are part of the support team, or are the patient yourself, respect the feelings and emotions that go along with this journey and know nothing stays the same. Every day is a new beginning and that is all we really have. If you are struggling, get involved with a support group or call your mesothelioma team. We are here for you if you need a listening ear or help with resources. You are not alone.

November is National Family Caregivers Month
October was Health Literacy Month and November is National Family Caregivers Month. Both of these special months highlight the importance of education, support, and understanding when dealing with or caring for a loved one. When faced with a diagnosis of malignant mesothelioma, understanding of the disease and what to look for helps both the patient and the caregiver.
The definition of health literacy from the Affordable Care Act of 2010 is “the degree to which an individual has the capacity to obtain, communicate, process, and understand basic health information and services to make health decisions.”
There is nothing simple about understanding the disease of malignant mesothelioma. From diagnosis through treatment the terminology and descriptions of the disease are difficult to understand and to even pronounce. The process of being diagnosed is usually after weeks or months of tests and scans, and after other common illnesses are ruled out. Health literacy can become an issue immediately.
A “family caregiver” is considered anyone who does not get paid but helps another person do what they can no longer do without assistance. Family caregivers provide extensive assistance which can include medications, shopping, preparing meals, cleaning, advocating, coordinating, educating – the list is very long, and the contributions vital.
For a rare serious disease like malignant mesothelioma, it is important for patients and families to understand what they are dealing with. The options for treatment can be confusing and the plan can change with further testing. The importance of being able to understand and trust your team is vital. Family caregivers are the link between the patient and their medical team. Having someone with you during this journey can be life saving. In order to give the patient the best possible chance for recovery and quality time, the family caregiver’s contribution and understanding of the disease and the patient is very important and often both overlooked and under appreciated.
Looking around, the number of people who in addition to maintaining their jobs and lives also provide care for someone else is staggering. The term “invisible army” has been given to these caregivers who often are not recognized.
We honor and thank all the family caregivers for their huge contribution to ongoing care for another person, family or not!

Insights for Families of Mesothelioma Patients Coping with Loss
Malignant mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer. For some, the journey is long and for others it can strike quickly and cruelly. It is imperative to remember that the person with the disease is someone who usually has a rich life filled with family, friends, and relationships before the diagnosis. While malignant mesothelioma is a rare disease, unfortunately the distress it causes can be life altering for those left to deal with the aftermath. The person diagnosed with malignant mesothelioma can be anyone: a spouse, mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle, child, or friend. These people can never be replaced. Their loss affects us all.
Recently, two brave registered nurses lost their battles to malignant pleural mesothelioma. One R.N. was a 76 year old woman who had been diagnosed with malignant mesothelioma several months after retiring. She was an accomplished R.N. turned nurse practitioner who had spent her career working with children’s development. The other R.N. was a 59-year old mother of three who had been working full time in the radiation oncology department. Both of these women combated the disease courageously and were more concerned with caring for their families’ emotional wellbeing than they were with their own health and outcome.
Over the years we have seen survivors that are living long, full lives and we rejoice at their good fortune and pray that it continues. The goal of the mesothelioma program has always been to encourage a good quality of life with long term survival leading to a cure. We continue to learn that these journeys and losses are clinical but often personal.
The loss of these two women was particularly difficult due to the fact they were hardworking, caring, and empathetic individuals. Despite an age difference of over two decades, these women shared several similarities. Both had loving families, had been registered nurses for 35 and 50 years respectively, and had seen death in their work and personally experienced the pain of losing loved ones.
This year 2020 has been in no way ordinary. The COVID-19 virus has enabled all of us to see things with a different perspective. We’ve redefined what’s important – our relationships and how we treat each other have become paramount.
As we mourn the loss of these two malignant pleural mesothelioma victims, we remain grateful that we had the opportunity to know them. We offer prayers to their families. They will not be forgotten.

Coronavirus & Mesothelioma Treatment: One Patient’s Story
The COVID-19 pandemic upended our usual routine and impacted all of our lives. For people that needed medical treatment it became a different experience. Having treatment for anything but coronavirus related illness became the exception. No visitors were allowed in the hospitals for patients no matter what their diagnosis. Many people put off necessary treatment for a later time. Facing cancer at any time is frightening. Facing treatment for a rare cancer such as malignant mesothelioma, alone without your loved ones, can add another layer of stress.
Reading and hearing about people’s experiences you think would prepare you for seeing it in person. Whether it is physical or psychological the suffering is real.
Our patient was a middle aged man who has malignant pleural mesothelioma. His presenting symptom was a cough that would not go away. He was worked up for it and he was a surgical candidate which he opted to have. The time between his symptoms and being diagnosed was a few months. Things were on track for surgery, and he lived locally near his Mesothelioma Center. Things were lining up for him in a timely fashion, but then the pandemic came and things changed.
It is known that patients facing a cancer diagnosis do better with family support. Since most cancer treatment is on an outpatient basis that is where the majority of support happens. However, the period in the hospital is unfamiliar and frightening – it can be terrifying. Our patient was dropped at the hospital and stayed in for greater than 30 days. He had a support system, but no visitors were allowed into the hospital. For his inpatient stay he remembers being confused, afraid, and convinced that he was dying. During this month-long stay he praised the staff of the hospital, but explained that not to see your loved ones when you are confused was too much. Frequent phone calls were no substitute for seeing someone who is supporting you through this stressful time. His hospital course was complicated and since discharge he has been experiencing many different emotions. Usually someone in control of his emotions, he finds himself crying frequently and unexpectedly. As he is processing this trauma he and his loved ones are realizing what an important part that support plays in a person’s physical and psychological recovery.
Treatment for mesothelioma is difficult under the best of circumstances but during the pandemic it became harder. As people start to come for specialized treatment to a Mesothelioma Center of Excellence please know that their team is very tuned in to how vital support from their loved ones is during this time.
Free Mesothelioma Patient & Treatment Guide
We’d like to offer you our in-depth guide, “A Patient’s Guide to Mesothelioma,” absolutely free of charge.
It contains a wealth of information and resources to help you better understand the condition, choose (and afford) appropriate treatment, and exercise your legal right to compensation.
Download Now