Balancing a Mesothelioma Diagnosis With Hope and Trust

On a Sunday morning talk show, Senator John McCain who was recently diagnosed with glioblastoma, an aggressive brain cancer, talked about his diagnosis and how he was dealing with it. “I’m facing a challenge. But I’ve faced other challenges, and I’m very confident about getting through this one as well.”
Like malignant mesothelioma, glioblastoma is an aggressive cancer. Scientists have been working on treatment options for both of these diseases. Progress towards a cure takes time, and reality is that some will benefit from others who have gone before them.
Balancing the devastating diagnosis of an aggressive cancer with hope is also a challenge. Hope that a cure will be found in time for you or your loved one to benefit from. In addition to hope, you also need to trust. Trust that your medical experts will recommend the right treatment in the right time frame that will improve your quality of life. Trust that you have chosen the path that is right for you. Hope that you get some quality time with your loved ones.
Over the years of taking care of mesothelioma patients, one of the things that is reinforced daily is the complexity of the disease. From obtaining a diagnosis, to staging, treatment options, timing of chemotherapy, surgery, radiation, or the possible involvement in a clinical trial, this aggressive disease has many sides. We learn about aggressive cancers by brave victims that have suffered with this disease before us.
As we all face challenges throughout our life, and Senator McCain has lived through many daunting challenges, we are reminded about how complex the cancer diagnosis can be. We wish him only the best possible outcome as he starts his journey. When someone famous or powerful is diagnosed with cancer, it can serve as a reminder to all of us of our mortality. No one is exempt from health challenges, it is how you handle them, and who you surround yourself with, that can determine how what could be the final chapters in your life will play out.
Senator McCain’s journey is beginning. Wherever you, or your loved one, is on your journey may you know peace of mind and be surrounded by hope and trust in your medical decisions.
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