Author: Joseph Belluck

An Act of Kindness Makes a Difference for a Mesothelioma Patient
In my experience, the old adage877-637-6843 rings true. These past couple of years of being involved with fundraising and raising awareness for the Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation and the mesothelioma community at large has been extremely rewarding to me.
Whatever the cause, doing something good for someone else makes you feel good. Volunteering at a fundraising event, helping to collect donations, running in a charity race, or attending a dinner to help a family in need are all things that make a difference. It takes a lot of people to make a fundraiser a success and any part that you are able to play is always appreciated. Remember to never underestimate the power of prayer!
My family and me have been helped in many ways by mesothelioma organizations and we are happy to be able to give back. Our hope is that our efforts will help someone else and that they will also want to “pay it forward”, so to speak. One good deed can always lead to more. What a great feeling to know that you can help others while encouraging them to do the same! It is a great illustration of leading by example.
Those impacted in any way by mesothelioma may not be in a good position to help with raising awareness or fundraising at the moment. You should feel great about yourself in acting on their behalf and in honor or memory of those who have suffered from mesothelioma. In the Bible, Matthew 25:40, it says, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Offer up your work to God for the suffering! How rewarded you will be!
On behalf of all those in the mesothelioma community, I want to say thank you to all doctors, researchers, and volunteers, who work so tirelessly to help those around them. We will never be able to personally thank you individually, but be assured of our prayers and eternal gratitude. Keep on believing in a cure!
Know more about Mesothelioma and how you can deal with it.

Tips for Helping to Keep Mesothelioma Patients’ Spirits Up
When you or a loved one are undergoing treatment for mesothelioma, it is an easy thing to do to start to feel down. Keeping your spirits up can help everything to go more smoothly. While my Dad was having surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, his spirits were great 99.9% of the time. Sometimes, it felt like he was the one keeping me smiling as he always did!
Here are some ways Dad kept his spirits high and some things that have worked for me over the past couple of years:
- Pray. It’s as simple as that.
- Get involved in the mesothelioma community. Sharing what you and your loved ones are going through with others who really understand is such a comfort. It reminds you that, even when you feel at your lowest point, you are not alone in this fight.
- Share stories and watch home movies. It’s so much fun to watch those funny moments back. It’s a time to reminisce and laugh at yourselves. Those funny clothes we all wore are, in themselves, definitely enough to get a chuckle or two out of everyone watching.
- Plan ahead. Talk about upcoming events that will happen after the treatment is over. If you don’t have anything going on, plan something! A picnic, a day trip, anything that you and your family enjoy doing together. Dad was always looking forward to the next thing, and it was a shining example of heroism.
Even though these activities can serve as wonderful distractions from the problem at hand, it’s also important to let the one with mesothelioma sort of lead the conversation and activity level. Just because these things were helpful for my family, doesn’t necessarily mean they will be for yours. You have to read the situation and find a healthy balance that works for you. The important thing is to not let the drama and sadness overtake you. There is still much to live and work for… God will get you through!

Vacations Are a Good Time to Raise Awareness of Mesothelioma
Summertime is, for most people, a time to relax and recharge. It brings about a time to travel and vacation with your loved ones and forget about your cares for a while. Unfortunately, mesothelioma waits for no one. Those impacted by this disease constantly have it in the back (or forefront) of their minds. Remember that just because you are on vacation, it doesn’t mean that you have to stop advocating.
First off, pray. Visit a Church while you’re off on your journey and add your loved one and all those with mesothelioma to their prayer list. God is everywhere and will hear your prayers.
Talk to people you meet on the way. When you start to talk about your family and life in general, carefully bring up mesothelioma and explain to them how it’s impacted your life and what they could do to help out. It’s also a great way to spread awareness to those who may have no clue what mesothelioma is.
Lastly, if your loved one is not traveling with you, be sure to check on them periodically. Let them know that you’re thinking about them. Tell them about your trip and that you can’t wait to see them when you get home.
Mesothelioma is a disease that can halt everything in your life. Don’t let it stop you from enjoying every day, as hard as it may seem, but also try not to forget those struggling with this heartbreaking diagnosis. Take a little time every day to pray for a cure… you can do that anywhere!
Open Letter to Mesothelioma Patients and Families: Keep the Faith
Dear Family and Friends,
With an unpredictable disease like mesothelioma, there will be many ups and downs. Sometimes, the ups are so high that it doesn’t seem like mesothelioma was ever a part of our lives. Other times, the downs are so low that we don’t see how anyone could ever come back from them.
That’s the tricky thing about life with or without mesothelioma. We never know what will happen in the future. It’s hard, but it’s best to take every day as it comes. If we spend too much time dwelling on those “what-ifs”, we will miss out on all the wonderful things happening right now!
Uncertainty is a precarious thing; there are two ways to react to it. One, we can focus on the possibility of a negative outcome. Two, we can recognize that we have no idea what will happen and pray for the best while enjoying our time here on earth.
One of my favorite Saints, Padre Pio, said, “Pray, hope, and don’t worry. Worry is useless. God is merciful and will hear your prayer.” Try to follow his advice. Pray for your loved one. Hope for the best outcome and think positively. And lastly, try your best not to worry. This might seem easier said than done, but it truly gets you nowhere and can only cause more stress to you and those around you. God will hear your prayers as He always does and will take care of everything according to His perfect plan.
My prayers are with you always,
Mesothelioma Patients and Their Families are Their Own Best Advocates
Many times and in many situations in life, you are your biggest advocate. No one knows you better. No one understands your needs more clearly. In a fight with mesothelioma, the patient themselves with their loved ones are their greatest, most aggressive supporters.
When facing a diagnosis with any kind of illness, it’s important to recognize the importance of knowledge. The more you learn about the disease, the more equipped you are to battle it effectively. Doctors and medical staff will present you with a lot of information and the latest research and statistics. Figuring out what to do with it is up to you.
It’s easy to get overwhelmed with medical jargon that sounds like another language. Take the time to ask questions and research what it really means in everyday terms. Once you’ve deciphered a little about what it all means, dig deeper. Weigh all your options and decide what is best for you personally.
You will get a lot of differing opinions and advice about the best courses of treatment. Remember, no one can force you into doing anything that you aren’t 100% comfortable with. Pray about it and stand up for yourself. Do what you know is best for you and your health.
If you are a family member, help your loved one sort through all the material, facts, and figures and support them in whatever they decide. Sometimes, you might need to use a little tough love to help them, but it will be worth it in the end. Be sure not to lose faith and place everything in God’s hands.
Free Mesothelioma Patient & Treatment Guide
We’d like to offer you our in-depth guide, “A Patient’s Guide to Mesothelioma,” absolutely free of charge.
It contains a wealth of information and resources to help you better understand the condition, choose (and afford) appropriate treatment, and exercise your legal right to compensation.
Download Now