Author: Joseph Belluck

Ice Bucket Challenge: Why Didn’t I Think of That for Mesothelioma?
The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge has been everywhere on social media and in the news. The people who created this challenge have developed an innovative, creative, and fun way to raise awareness and funds for their favorite cause. In looking at it, I have to think, “Why didn’t I think of that?” The truth is, you can!
Sometimes, I think that, as fundraisers, we might be afraid to pursue something as big as the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. We might wonder what will happen if it fails, if it is seen as a copy-cat type of thing, or if people choose not to participate. In all honesty, we will never know unless we try.
I happen to not be very creative (you can ask anyone!), so my new ideas are completely few and far between, but you might not be that way. Take a risk with your endeavors and think big. Contact me… I’m always happy to help out. You might just have the next big, viral fundraising idea on your hands!
Know more about Mesothelioma and how you can deal with it.

Educate Yourself About Mesothelioma to Be a Better Advocate
In order to be an effective advocate for the mesothelioma community, it is important that you become educated about the disease, its causes, effects, treatments, and latest updates. The more you know, the better you can help teach others and encourage them to support the cause. You owe it to yourself and those you fight for to be as well prepared for questions as possible.
Many times, while attending a fundraiser in the community, people ask a lot of questions. Some have never heard of mesothelioma, while others are just curious to learn more; there are even some who want to question the validity of what they are donating to. Either way, it would be a disservice to any of them if you don’t at least let them know how to obtain more information. It’s okay to say that you don’t know the answer to their inquiry, but it’s important to be able to steer them toward someone who can help them.
There are many ways to learn more about mesothelioma, one being getting in contact with the Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation. Their staff dedicate their lives to eradicating this disease and are a wealth of knowledge. They can help you learn, provide you with valuable information to pass on to others, and even help you organize a fundraiser. They are extremely helpful and are always willing to share what they know with you.
Thank you for working so hard to advocate for and support mesothelioma patients and their loved ones! Educating yourself on this disease is hard, sometimes very trying, work, but believe me when I say that the appreciation from this community knows no bounds!
Know more about Mesothelioma and how you can deal with it.
Nobody Should Have to Lose Her Father to Mesothelioma
Losing a loved one hurts in any case, no matter the cause. I have found that losing my Dad to mesothelioma was a particularly tough pill to swallow. Losing him would have been the toughest pain in my life, no matter what. The fact that it was to mesothelioma made it even worse for me; being such a rare disease, it is often overlooked and forgotten about. The general population, for the most part, knows nothing about it other than the commercials that you see on television. With mesothelioma, Dad didn’t have a choice. It was there, and there was nothing he could have done about it.
Many people who are diagnosed with mesothelioma contracted the disease from serving in the military or at work, trying their best to provide for their families. Thinking that these individuals were essentially punished for that is inexcusable to me. These men and women served their country, helped others, and made a life for their families. Then, later in their lives, they come to find that their pure, good intentions have made them ill.
Other people might have gotten sick from working on a vehicle, helping a friend with home renovations, or just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. No matter what the situation, the tragic results of the use of asbestos is too much to ignore.
When I think about how Dad and others in the mesothelioma community have and continue to suffer, both physically and emotionally, it truly angers me. I wish that the dangers of asbestos would have been, and would now be, publicly known. It should be banned and outlawed throughout the world. Why expose people to this terrible material when we know better at this point? It is truly difficult for me to wrap my head around it.
Asbestos and the resulting cancer of mesothelioma have hurt enough people. Let’s work together to end this vicious cycle so that no one else has to go through the pain of this disease.
Consider Designating Your Donation Dollars to Mesothelioma Clinical Trials
Clinical trials are vital in the fight against mesothelioma. New data and treatments can stem from these trials, bringing us one step closer to finding a cure to mesothelioma in the near future. Like any research, these trials need funding, and you can help!
When you donate to a mesothelioma cause, you often have the option to designate where the funds will go. One option is toward research and clinical trials. Just imagine, you could contribute to finding the cure for this devastating disease; what a huge honor that would be!
My father participated in a clinical trial through Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City during the Summer of 2012. Dr. Lee Krug, a brilliant, dedicated physician, was in charge of the study. Dad knew that taking part in the trial would help in the overall fight against mesothelioma. He was excited to share in something like this, even though it meant a lot of travel and some time away from home.
When you are advocating on behalf of mesothelioma patients and their families, be sure to let your listeners know the importance of clinical trials. They are among the most promising avenues to find new ways to help those in need and to ultimately eradicate mesothelioma altogether.
Reach Out For Help With Your Next Mesothelioma Fundraiser
When you are planning any type of fundraising event, you might wonder how you will ever get enough people to help you realize your vision. How will you pull it all together and have an event that will raise awareness and funds? In my experience, all you have to do is ask!
The biggest resource you need to host an event is manpower. There are many ways to recruit help:
Ask your family! They are usually the people most aware of what has been going on and know the most about your or your loved one’s condition.
Use social media! When I am looking for volunteers for events, I typically post a little status update on Facebook asking for help. People have been beyond generous donating raffle items, time, and funds when asked in this way.
Ask businesses! Many local businesses are happy to help with fundraising efforts and have many different ways they can assist you. They may offer to provide a sponsorship, prize, location, etc.
Talk to community organizations! For example, when planning a walk or run, there may be a group in your town who holds events like this on a regular basis. They may be able to offer equipment and people to help you make your event a success. Other groups to talk to could be from Churches or clubs.
Thank you for considering doing a fundraiser or making a donation to a mesothelioma charity! If I can ever be of help, please feel free to contact me.
Free Mesothelioma Patient & Treatment Guide
We’d like to offer you our in-depth guide, “A Patient’s Guide to Mesothelioma,” absolutely free of charge.
It contains a wealth of information and resources to help you better understand the condition, choose (and afford) appropriate treatment, and exercise your legal right to compensation.
Download Now