Asbestos Exposure at the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and Intermediate Maintenance Facility

Originally established in 1891 as a naval station, the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard was officially designated as a Navy Yard in 1901 at a cost to the federal government of less than $10,000. The U.S. government had been studying the establishment of a naval shipyard in the Pacific Northwest, as there were no repair facilities any further north than San Francisco that could accommodate larger vessels. These ships had to either go to San Francisco or to the British Columbia dockyard to be repaired and maintained, and Canada was still under British rule at the time. Rather than flowing U.S. government funds to Britain, the concept was to establish a base that could service these ships within the U.S.A.
History of Puget Sound Naval Shipyard
The location chosen for the shipyard was a 145½-acre site near Bremerton, Washington, with 5 more acres purchased in 1982 and 40 acres added within a short period of time. Drydock Number 1 was completed in 1896, and the first vessel serviced was the USS Monterey. The much larger Drydock Number 2 began construction in 1909 and was completed in 1913. It was the Navy’s largest dry dock and the only facility capable of working on the largest vessels on the West Coast.
At the inception of the Spanish American War, the Battleship Oregon sailed from the facility, travelling 17,000 miles to engage in the conflict in Santiago, Cuba.
During the WWI years, the shipyard was involved in building up the U.S. fleet and constructed 25 sub-chasers, seven submarines, two minesweepers, seven tugs, two ammunition ships, and 1,700 smaller watercraft. The shipyard was primarily engaged in repairing battle damage to the ships of the U.S. fleet as well as those of the Allied forces.
Up until WWII, the Navy shipyard was the only battleship repair shipyard on the West Coast.
After WWII, the shipyard was designated the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, and its primary tasks involved modernizing aircraft carriers and converting conventional flight decks to the more modern angled decks.
In the 1950s, the shipyard began building guided missile frigates and working on nuclear-powered submarines including the USS Sculpin. Since that time, the shipyard has been heavily involved in deactivating nuclear-powered submarines, including reactor disposal and the recycling of other ship material. This facility is the world’s only shipyard that designs, builds, and recycles nuclear-powered vessels.
In 1998, the facility had grown into two operations, the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and Naval Station Bremerton. In 2003, the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and the Naval Intermediate Maintenance Facility were consolidated under one command.
The facility now maintains, modernizes, and repairs literally every class of Navy vessel. It is the primary maintenance facility for the West Coast Trident fleet. The shipyard has a workforce of both civilian and military professional personnel working in repair shops, dry docks, and aircraft carriers, as well as experts in hull, electrical electronics, and weapons systems on a range of Navy vessels.
The shipyard, now spanning 179 acres, is the largest command on Naval Base Kitsap and employs about 10,000 civilian and military personnel.
Asbestos Exposure at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard
Asbestos was used on ships built and repaired at the yard. When ships were being constructed and overhauled in Bremerton, asbestos-containing equipment such as boilers, turbines, pumps, and valves was installed and repaired. The yard also had numerous shops where asbestos-containing equipment was used and worked on.
Thousands of civilian employees and Navy veterans were exposed to asbestos at the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard. Many occupations were at risk for exposure, but several types of workers in particular faced greater risk:
- Electricians
- Pipefitters
- Boilermakers
- Equipment mechanics
- Pipe coverers and insulators
- Plumbers
- Welders
Asbestos diseases can take decades to develop, so veterans and yard workers who were exposed many years ago may only now be diagnosed with mesothelioma, lung cancer, or asbestosis.
Belluck & Fox Fights for the Rights of Shipyard Workers
If you or a loved one worked at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard or served in the United States Navy, and have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, contact the nationally recognized asbestos attorneys at Belluck & Fox today. Our dedicated team has helped many veterans, civilian yard workers, and their families recover significant compensation for asbestos diseases.
Learn what types of compensation you may be entitled to by scheduling a free case review.
- My Base Guide: Puget Sound Naval Shipyard
- History Link: Puget Sound Naval Shipyard
List of Ships
HMS Ameer (D01)
USS Abbot (DD-629)
USS Abner Read (DD-526)
USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72)
USS Absecon (AVP-23)
USS Active (1888)
USS Ala (YT-139)
USS Albany (CL-23)
USS Allentown (PF-52)
USS Annoy (AM-84)
USS Arctic (SP-1158)
USS Arizona (BB-39)
USS Arkansas (BB-33)
USS Aroostook (CM-3)
USS Arthur Middleton (APA-25)
USS Astoria (CA-34)
USS Aulick (DD-569)
USS Azimech (AK-124) B
USS Barataria (AVP-33)
USS Barnegat (AVP-10)
USS Bayonne (PF-21)
USS Bell (DD-587)
USS Bellingham (ID-3552)
USS Bennett (DD-473)
USS Bennion (DD-662)
USS Biscayne
USS Blue (DD-387)
USS Blue (DD-744)
USS Bluefish (SSN-675)
USS Boston (1884)
USS Boston (1884)
USS Boxwood (AN-8)
USS Brackett (DE-41)
USS Breese (DD-122)
USS Buckeye (AN-13)
USS Bunker Hill (CV-17)
USS Butternut (YAG-60) C
USS California (BB-44)
USS Casco (AVP-12)
USS Celtic (AF-2)
USS Challenge (ID-1015)
USS Charles F. Hughes (DD-428)
USS Charleston (C-22)
USS Charrette
USS Chattanooga (CL-18)
USS Chicago (CA-136)
USS Cinchona (AN-12)
USS Colorado (ACR-7)
USS Colorado (BB-45)
USS Colorado (BB-45)
USS Comet (SP-772)
USS Concord (PG-3)
USS Connecticut (BB-18)
USS Conner (DD-582)
USS Cushing (DD-376) D
USS Dale (DD-353)
USS Delta (AR-9)
USS Dewey (DD-349)
USS Donaldson (DE-44) E
USS Eastern Light (ID-3538)
USS Eastern Shore (ID-3500)
USS Edwards (DD-265)
HMS Emperor (D98)
USS Enterprise (CV-6)
USS Enterprise (CVN-65) F
USS Fall River (CA-131)
USS Farragut (DD-348)
USS Fox (DD-234)
USS Franklin (CV-13)
USS Galveston (CL-19)
USS George Philip (FFG-12)
USS Goldsborough (TB-20)
USS Graffias (AF-29)
USS Grampus (SS-4)
USS Grayson (DD-435)
USS Greene (DD-266)
USS Greiner (DE-37)
USS H-4 (SS-147)
USS H-5 (SS-148)
USS H-6 (SS-149)
USS H-7 (SS-150)
USS H-8 (SS-151)
USS H-9 (SS-152)
USS Halford (DD-480)
USS Haraden (DD-585)
USS Hart (DD-594)
USS Hatfield (DD-231)
USS Helori (SP-181)
USS Hopewell (DD-681)
USS Hornet (CV-12)
USS Hudson (DD-475)
USS Idaho (BB-42)
USS Ingraham (FFG-61)
USS Jaccard
USS Jarvis (DD-393)
USS Jason (AC-12)
USS Kearsarge (CV-33)
USS Kemper County (LST-854)
USS Killen (DD-593)
USS King (DDG-41)
USS Lamson (DD-367)
USS Langley (CV-1)
USS Leutze (DD-481)
USS Lexington (CV-2)
USS Louisville (CA-28)
USS Louisville (CA-28)
USS Lovering (DE-39)
USS Lyman K. Swenson
USS Machias (PF-53)
USS Mackinac (AVP-13)
USS Marblehead (C-11)
USS Maryland (ACR-8)
USS Maryland (BB-46)
USS Maryland (BB-46)
USS Medusa (AR-1)
USS Metcalf (DD-595)
USS Midway (AG-41)
USS Milwaukee (C-21)
USS Mitchell (DE-43)
USS Mohave (AT-15)
USS Monssen (DD-436)
USS Montana (ACR-13)
USS Montrose (APA-212) N
USS N-1 (SS-53)
USS N-3 (SS-55)
USS Nassau (CVE-16)
USS Neches (AO-47)
USS Nero (AC-17)
USS Nevada (BB-36)
USS New Jersey (BB-62)
USS New Mexico (BB-40)
USS New Orleans (CA-32)
USS Nipsic
USS Nokomis (YT-142)
USS North Carolina (ACR-12)
USS North Carolina (BB-55) O
USS O-2 (SS-63)
USS O-3 (SS-64)
USS Oakland (CL-95)
USS Okaloosa (APA-219)
USS Oklahoma (BB-37)
USS Omaha
USS Oregon (BB-3)
USS Oriole (AM-7)
USS Oriskany (CV-34)
USS Oyster Bay (AGP-6) P
USS Palisana (AF-39)
USS Patoka (AO-9)
USS Patterson (DD-392)
USS Pawtucket (YT-7)
USS PC-817
USS Pennsylvania (BB-38)
USS Perkins (DD-377)
USS Philadelphia (C-4)
USS Pike (SS-6)
USS Pinola (AT-33)
USS Pittsburgh (CA-72)
USS Porterfield
USS President Monroe (AP-104)
USS Princeton (PG-13)
USS Pyro (AE-1) R
USS Rail (AM-26)
USS Raleigh (CL-7)
USS Ranger (CV-61)
USS Renshaw (DD-176)
USS Revenge (AM-110)
USS Reynolds (DE-42)
USS Richmond (CL-9)
USS Rooks S
USS S-28 (SS-133)
USS S-35 (SS-140)
USS San Francisco (CA-38)
USS San Marcos (LSD-25)
USS Sanders (DE-40)
USS Sans Souci II (SP-301)
USS Saratoga (CV-3)
USS Saratoga (CV-3)
USS Saturn (AG-4)
USS Savannah (AS-8)
USS Schley (DD-103)
USS Severn (AO-61)
USS Shadwell (LSD-15)
USS Shubrick (DD-639)
USS South Dakota (ACR-9)
USS South Dakota (ACR-9)
USS St. Louis (C-20)
USS Sterett (DD-407)
USS Stoddert (DD-302)
USS Stoddert (DD-302)
USS Sunfish (SSN-649)
USS Sunnadin (AT-28)
USS Supply (1872)
USS Suwannee (CVE-27)
USS Swanson (DD-443)
USS Tennessee (BB-43)
USS Thorn (DD-647)
USS Ticonderoga (CV-14)
USS Timbalier (AVP-54)
USS Towner (AKA-77)
USS Trathen (DD-530)
USS Wabash (AOG-4)
USS Wandank (ATA-204)
USS Wando (AT-17)
USS Washington (ACR-11)
USS Washington (BB-56)
USS Wasp (CV-18)
USS Waters (DD-115)
USS West Bridge (ID-2888)
USS West Madaket (ID-3636)
USS West View (1918)
USS West Virginia (BB-48)
USS Western Belle (ID-3551)
USS Wheeling (PG-14)
USS Whipple (FF-1062)
USS Wiley (DD-597)
USS Wilkes (DD-441)
USS William C. Cole (DE-641)
USS Williamson (DD-244)
USS Willimantic (ID-3549)
USS Wilson (DD-408)
USS Wingina (YTB-395)
USS Wisconsin (BB-9)
USS Woodbury (DD-309)
USS Worden (DD-352)
USS Wyman (DE-38)
USS Wyoming (BB-32)
USS Wyoming (BM-10)